Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Games MEn play ..Extended

Well I am jobless..(the frequency of my blogs give that away i think). So without wasting much time(ironical isnt it? I mean i do this to waste my time...ahhm anyways .I shal close this annoying bracketed text now.) i shal present to u what I promised- that is the female gamer.Before I begin let me clarify that the female gamer that I am referring to is not your average solitaire playin girl..she is that but also beyond that. I am talkin about dudettes who can hanndle a rocket launcher as well as their color pencils. It is thus my great misfortune that this account of mine is greatly insufficient as I had limited data to work with.But I was lucky enough to be able to observe and hopefully(in a very small way maybe) create one such gamer.Without trying to take much credit away from her let me get back to the point:

The female gamer is under threat.And unlike other tropical primate being wiped out gradualy the female gamer is highly important.

So I urge ppl to promote girlz to take up gaming and see Y its awesome fun(I mean why wud we be so crazy about games if it wasnt)

A few possible benefits of this :
1) No need to make up excuses to girlfriends while playin games online..rather they could join u for a romantic game having a twenty frag limit.
2) Resolving fights by shooting each other down is great fun..(better still a head shot is great to put an end to fights amicably)
3) The obvious quiet moments can be filled by discussing gaming strategy.(Try the..what is the most effective unit to kill a persion elite war elephant or hey which is the ideal build for centaur khan if he's taking on Razor?)

But beware ..ur actions online may lead to real world repurcussions(unimaginable usualy).So do keep a few things in mind while enjoyin games with the gamer girls. For starters try not to blow up the dead body after making the kill..seriously not a good idea.And ya feelin sorry after making a clean shot with the rocket launcher can take you a long way :)


Unknown said...

well..i think the horizon of female gamers u have observed is limited. i personally know female gamers who can kick ur ass at gaming...and not just AOE..the more developed ones that vijay has been raving about. but in india..i think yes, its a sad scenario and am all up for helping the cause!

Unknown said...

things i gathered:
1)the mad scientist is rather passionate about not letting the endangered species aka the female gamer, from going extinct(@ tanvi-in other words- smooth talking you into letting him on an easy leash when it comes to gaming,thus winding you in too)
2)the male gamer would need to learn the art of being subtle about his victories and will have to show remorse for his virtual sadisisms to please or rather coax his female opponent to forgive him for killing her

things i know:
y men cant play with females-
1)if females get on with it they can kick your ass at it anytime
2)and thus the inclination of men to not encourage females, consequence of which would be their deflated egos and an end to their masochistic pleasures.

there.comments of a jobless being on another

Vig said...

I see your strategies seem to have proven some results at some point of time (otherwise I don't think this post would have come into being). But Shreshtha, I beg to differ - anyone can kick anyone's arse anytime. You know, even Sankalp might kill mota one day on aoe - can't really classify men or women as better. But the stats show otherwise - gaming is a male dominated game and there's no denying it. :)

mad scientist said...

SAnkalp can beat my ass in AOE ??? What nonsense dude ..

Vig said...

Reminds me of adidas: Impossible is Nothing. :D

Sidharth said...

Well my friend, I'll vouch for you being supremely jobless. As for my thoughts on female gamers, I'm sorry to sayit, but I think that the above mentioned species belongs in the Cryptozoology department (google it, you'll know what I'm talking about). Out of fear of starting a flame war in the comments, I will refrain from making any more inflammatory remarks :)


mad scientist said...

yeah Cryptozoology department indeed..but justthe yetti u can see their prints on the keyboard sometimes ..if u BELIEVE

mad scientist said...

yeah Cryptozoology department indeed..but justthe yetti u can see their prints on the keyboard sometimes ..if u BELIEVE

Chaos chicken said...

female gamer..seriously...its an endangerd species in india..

but again...indian women arent meant for games..neither the physical or virtual ones...its evident

god craeted them dat way...not to sound disrespectful..i see indian women as the readin, paintin doin more intellectual kind of stuff..not gamin